
Scientific Meeting

Symposiums organised by the IAPM: with the aim of collaborating with other academic institutions and, at the same time, to achieve its teaching and training targets, the IAPM participates in international conferences organised by other institutions. Such as the case, for example, with the International Conference on Maternal Mortality, organised by FIGO and the WAPM and held in Lima, Peru, from 11th to 13th May 2006. The IAPM organised and ran a “Social symposium on ‘The rights of the woman'”, in which several of the regular Fellows took part: J. M. Carrera (as coordinator), A. Kurjak, S. Karchmer, F. A. Chervenak, L. Cabero, G. C. Di Renzo, W. Holzgreve and Z. Papp.

On the other hand, on September 29th 2007, a Symposium about “The Beginning of Human Life” was held in Zagreb, Croatia, organised by Prof. Asim Kurjak, and auspicied by The World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Perinatal Medicine and the Academy of Medical Sciences in Croatia.

Ceremonial Meeting

Symposiums organised by the IAPM: with the aim of collaborating with other academic institutions and, at the same time, to achieve its teaching and training targets, the IAPM participates in international conferences organised by other institutions. Such as the case, for example, with the International Conference on Maternal Mortality, organised by FIGO and the WAPM and held in Lima, Peru, from 11th to 13th May 2006. The IAPM organised and ran a “Social symposium on ‘The rights of the woman'”, in which several of the regular Fellows took part: J. M. Carrera (as coordinator), A. Kurjak, S. Karchmer, F. A. Chervenak, L. Cabero, G. C. Di Renzo, W. Holzgreve and Z. Papp.

On the other hand, on September 29th 2007, a Symposium about “The Beginning of Human Life” was held in Zagreb, Croatia, organised by Prof. Asim Kurjak, and auspicied by The World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Perinatal Medicine and the Academy of Medical Sciences in Croatia.

Meetings of the Board of Directors

In accordance with articles 29 and 30, “the Board of Directors (BD) shall convene two meetings a year, usually held at the same time as the various perinatal scientific conferences”. The BD shall be deemed to validly constituted if at least four members are present, including the President.

These meetings discuss and deal with urgent matters and routine business (organisation of annual meetings, the work of the working groups, publications, etc.). The International Council is regularly informed of developments and decisions taken here at its next meeting and for this reason, the General Secretary takes minutes. Meetings of this type were held at Prague (2006), Florence (2007), Dubrovnik (2007) and New York (2008).

Other Meetings

Symposiums organised by the IAPM: with the aim of collaborating with other academic institutions and, at the same time, to achieve its teaching and training targets, the IAPM participates in international conferences organised by other institutions. Such as the case, for example, with the International Conference on Maternal Mortality, organised by FIGO and the WAPM and held in Lima, Peru, from 11th to 13th May 2006. The IAPM organised and ran a “Social symposium on ‘The rights of the woman'”, in which several of the regular Fellows took part: J. M. Carrera (as coordinator), A. Kurjak, S. Karchmer, F. A. Chervenak, L. Cabero, G. C. Di Renzo, W. Holzgreve and Z. Papp.

On the other hand, on September 29th 2007, a Symposium about “The Beginning of Human Life” was held in Zagreb, Croatia, organised by Prof. Asim Kurjak, and auspicied by The World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Perinatal Medicine and the Academy of Medical Sciences in Croatia.

Social Programs

Humanitarian Activities

Ever since the IAPM joined the “International Perinatal Medicine Group” in September 2005, one of whose members is a charitable organisation MATRES MUNDI INTERNATIONAL, formal collaboration between the two bodies has taken place, culminating in the signing of an “Agreement” in May 2006 stating that MATRES MUNDI is the humanitarian agency of the IAPM.

In the spirit of this agreement, the IAPM, along with the WAPM, co-operates in implementing the “Training program for international NGO volunteers in Perinatal Medicine” developed by MATRES MUNDI (Sept 2006) and in the design of an “Integral Plan for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Central Africa”, developed jointly with MATRES MUNDI and WAPM. This project was published in “J. Perinatal Med” (2007, 35: 266-277) and “Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology” (2007, 50; 7: 398-404).

This institutional co-operation was clearly demonstrated at the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Matres Mundi held in the “Palau de la Musica” in Barcelona on October 26th 2006. During the course of the official proceedings, there were speeches by Prof. E. Saling, IAPM President, along with Prof. Carrapato, WAPM President and Prof. Asim Kurjak, President of the Ian Donald School and former WAPM President.

Programme Life for Africa

The IAPM leads an academic project in Subsaharan Africa. The project includes the foundation of the International School of Perinatal Medicine for Africa and the building of the Hospital for mothers and children in Addis Abeba (Ethiopia). The International School will train obstetricians, paediatricians, neonatologists, midwives, nurses, nutritionists and so on. It would be the headquarters for Africa of the Academy and all the international societies of Perinatal Medicine (WAPM, EAPM, The Fetus as a Patient, Ian Donald School, etc. ). It could also be a permanent school of obstetric ultrasonography, fetal medicine, and mothers and children’s medicine.

Matres Mundi would manage the creation and implementation of the project.